How do you prefer to contact us? (use your mobile phone)
Guests and reservations / Ospiti e prenotazioni
+39 351 9085647 (whatsapp)
(Italiano, English, Français)
Organizers and partners / Organizzatori e partner
+39 347 5491674
Support / assistenza
+39 080 8807330
Payments / invio fatture e documenti fiscali
PlacenPeople considers as "official communication channels" all the email accounts on this page, and the whatsapp channel shown at the top of the page.
Company information:
PlacenPeople srl
Partita Iva / C.F: 08125910722
Cap. Soc. Euro 10.000 interamente versato
Reg. delle imprese di Bari al n. 08125910722
REA: 605992
Sede legale e amministrativa: Viale Meucci – 70125 Bari
Tour agency RC Professional insurance n. 4650900